Monday, January 30, 2012

How does Domestic Violence Affect Children?

How does Domestic Violence Affect Children?
The tragic reality is that anytime a mother is abused by her partner, the children are also affected in both overt and subtle ways. What hurts the mother, hurts the children.
When a mother is abused, the children may feel guilty that they cannot protect her, or that they are the cause of the strife. They may themselves be abused, or neglected while the mother attempts to deal with the trauma. The rate of child abuse is 6-15 times higher in families where the mother is abused.
Children get hurt when they see their parents being yelled at, pushed, or hit. They may feel confusion, stress, fear, shame, or think that they caused the problem. Children grow up learning that it's okay to hurt other people or let other people hurt them. A third of all children who see their mothers beaten develop emotional problems. Boys who see their fathers beat their mothers are ten times more likely to be abusive in their adult intimate relationships.
Children may exhibit emotional problems, cry excessively, or be withdrawn or shy. Children may have difficulty making friends or have fear of adults. Children may suffer from depression and excessive absences from school. Children may use violence for solving problems at school and home. Children may be at greater risk of being a runaway, being suicidal, or committing criminal acts as juveniles and adults. Children who are experiencing stress may show it indifferent ways, including difficulty in sleeping, bedwetting, over-achieving, behavior problems, withdrawing, stomach aches, headaches and/or diarrhea.
Children who grow up in violent homes have much higher risks of becoming drug or alcohol abusers or being involved in abusive relationships, as a batterer or a victim. Children do not have to be abused themselves in order to be impacted by violence in the home.
The only answer to this problem is to treat domestic violence for what it is - a crime. We must fight the societal values that reinforce the stereotypes that encourage men to act aggressively and use violence to solve problems; that women are weak and submissive and should accept male dominance as the norm. Children must be taught at an early age non-violent conflict resolution.
In homes where domestic violence occurs, fear, instability, and confusion replace the love, comfort, and nurturing children need. These children live in constant fear of physical harm from the person who is supposed to care for and protect them. They may feel guilt at loving the abuser or blame themselves for causing the violence. "Domestic Violence, Understanding a Community Problem," National Woman Abuse Prevention Fund.
Based on interviews with children in battered women's shelters, 85% of children had stayed twice with friends or relatives because of the violence, and 75% over the age of 15 had run away at least twice. Maria Roy, Children in the Crossfire, 1988.
Children in homes where domestic violence occurs are physically abused or seriously neglected at a rate 1500% higher than the national average. National Woman Abuse Prevention Project, Washington, D.C.
Boys who witness family violence are more likely to batter their female partners as adults, and girls who witness their mother's abuse have a higher rate of being battered as adults. These common sense observations are fact, not myth. "Battered Families . . . Shattered Lives," Georgia Department of Human Resources Family Violence Manual, January 1992.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cheating......Costa Mesa Marriott.......when your baby is 6 months old? ewwww!  Who DOES stuff like that?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

 Found this interesting. I have a friend who is going to be owed a heck of a lot of back child support. Thought i would share

Income Wage Withholdings

  • In California, all judges must require divorcing parents to incorporate wage withholding orders into their divorce decrees. A parent can collect his child support payments from the paying parent though an income withholding order. Administered by the California Department of Child Support Services, wage withhold orders require employers to withhold income directly from their wage payments to ensure child support payments. California law prohibits employers from withholding more than 50 percent of a parent's net wages. However, the state provides an exception to the 50 percent limit for wage withholding to satisfy past-due child support awards.