Thursday, April 26, 2012

 It's so disgusting when men don't pay their child support and then run off and make more kids and the new woman (would say wife but sometimes men don't want to marry the mistress) discourages the man from paying for his kids so she can spend his money on herself. So selfish. I feel sorry for the women who have to struggle without child support. I was lucky enough to get more than 4 times what some other women get in child support and with providing for my children and their future it still doesn't seem like enough.

Then there are those women who spend the child support on themselves and their vain needs, and dress their small kids in their own (ugly) adult clothes they no longer want and don't buy them clothes and shoes. Absolutely disgusting.

Losers who don't pay child support

That problem is, sadly, a male one.
Overwhelmingly, it is men who abuse the child support system. It's men who refuse to pay child support, even when knowing full well that the child is their responsibility; indeed, even when they've abandoned their children for another set of kids.
According to the most recent data, 92 per cent of the parents who owe child support are men, and together they owe something like $900 million.

Monday, April 23, 2012


In your thirties the signs of ageing start to become apparent,

Saturday, April 21, 2012

hahahaha funny when someone screws up their eye makeup so bad it looks like they have two black eyes, one bigger than the other. too funny

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just got done looking at some photos. Why is it that all I can think about is possums? lol