Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Respect and forgiveness are earned. Some people think these things are due to them when they have done nothing to earn them. For example, if you did something awful to someone and their children, and continue to do awful things, you can't expect to be "best of friends". And yes, when you cheat in a marriage you are cheating on your children too. It amazes me when people expect to be treated kindly by someone when they continue to stick a knife in the person's back, for example continuously taking them to court and calling them a bad father and trying to take away custody when in fact they are one of the best fathers I know. Some people are just manipulative, deceptive liars. At some point the people in their lives will see through them, and are no longer "putty in their hands". The control freak can no longer control the other person and it bothers them.

Sometimes these same people are egocentric, and think everything is about them. They think that the person exercising their free will means that they are somehow "can't let go" of them or their unhealthy relationship, or that they aren't over that person. I know a woman like this. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. They interpret normal behavior as being indicative of some lingering affection. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once a person has seen what it's like to be in an honest loving relationship they only feel disgust when they look at the way they were lied to and manipulated in previous relationships.

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